We are less then one month away from living on Hafwen. It is all a bit unreal, and terribly hectic. Since we decided to live on the boat for the summer things seem to be happening on fast-forward. With less then 30 days to MOVING, and most of that with Andrew and I working (sometimes on ships and in different countries), I am in full "panic pack mode." Those of you that have moved with limited time will understand. You start out organized, trying to keep like items together, and end of throwing things together because they fill out the box better. Then you try and remember where you packed that one item because you actually still need it. Our house is a disheveled mess, with crates and bins everywhere.
It is really the sorting that is causing the problem. We have stuff that is going to into "long-term" storage (really just summer storage since we won't need it this summer). Then there is stuff that is going to the storage unit close to the boat. Things that "who knows if we will need this" but it should be close. Finally there is "to the boat" stuff. This box is currently very small, since I haven't started on the clothes and kitchen things, and there isn't a lot of space for anything. Which means that I have to talk Andrew out of things that he thinks that he wants on the boat but take up too much room for the time being. The latest thing being a giant vice in our basement. As we were sorting through tools and boxes, I pointed it out and asked if it was going to near storage. "It would be a great thing to have on the boat..." I stopped him immediately. "That is not going on the boat, too big and clunky and no space." If I let him loose, there would barely be room for us to sleep on the boat. Men and their tools!
It is truly remarkable what you can accumulate in just a few short years. I have downsized so many times, you would think that I would learn my lesson about buying "things". I haven't. That is obvious, when you look at the pile of Goodwill items. And this is like the fourth load we have taken. Somehow, Andrew is being spared most of the anguish of packing. He is working gigs and in his spare time fixing up the boat for launch day. Not that I want to be looking for leaks, dealing with epoxy, framing windows and varnishing, etc. But really all the packing falls on my shoulders. I am going to need some serious R & R after this is all over (I am not going to get it - but I can dream).
On that note I should get back to packing.
This was really just an excuse to procrastinate...It worked for a short time.
Ah well.